Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Get A Guy to Want You - 5 Tips to Attract Him and Make Him Yours

If you decide you're tired of sitting there waiting for my Mr. right to come, there are several things you can do to make him come running for you. Here are some simple tips to get you started.

1 Pay attention to how you look. It is not always that beautiful, but the shows that you care about yourself. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, so it is important to always make good. I do not know where you'll run into Mr. Right, so the key is always at its best and be prepared for anything. If you eat right and exercise and take care about how they look and how you feel, it will show. a flair for fashion will show a great personality, so try to master the art of picking styles that flatter your body and make you feel good in. beautiful, colorful, flirty frock will go a long way to say that I'm fun, open person. Visit the salon hair often, and try different styles. Make sure your make-up is up to date and flattering. Make sure that your teeth are always fresh-cut white as possible. It is important to take into account before leaving home, because you want to be ready and prepared at all times

2 Be the person you've always wanted to be. Do not wait until tomorrow to get the home you're dying to get, or go white water rafting. Take that class you've been wanting to take. Learn how to speak a new language or cook a new dish. Someone who has many hobbies and interests is fun to be around, and will also give you aa sense of of satisfaction and fulfillment . You do not have to wait until you find a man before you get to know your adventurous side. He will be intrigued at the thought of doing exciting things with you and he will look forward to

3 Your body do the talking. Your body language sends a message to him without a word ever spoken. Once you know what your body is saying, you can use it to say what you mean. Uncross your hands, stop biting your nails and flash him a big open smile. Standing in the space in the room where it will not feel intimidated to walk up to you and approach you. Standing around in a circle with a group of friends is not the way that you feel comfortable. Stand alone, a smile as he walks toward you. Ga look into your eyes and hold that eye contact going on. He will be instantly attracted to you, but you might not know why.

4 Make her feel good in myself. Show him that you are interested in what he has to say. Ask them questions and let them know that the value of his opinions. Laugh at his jokes and do not act bored while he speaks. If he's feeling good about yourself when around you, he will want to be around you constantly. Praise him by telling him how handsome. After kissing you, tell him what a great kisser he is. You'll create such a strong desire in him, he will adore you.

5 Finally, keep the mystery alive. Play a little hard to get. If he calls and wants to see you, there is nothing wrong with saying you're busy. He will wonder what you're doing without him and he will think about you all night. a little mystery will be excited to know more about you. Be unpredictable. Be completely predictable is boring and does not keep him interested. Dress completely different every time you see him, and show him how much you have different parties. He will want to get to know each of them!


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