Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Female Orgasms - A Win, Win Experience

female orgasm, the import of man.

Most heterosexual men are alpha males. Even those geeky. They just express their characteristics of alpha in a different way. Just look at the competitive and violent nature of most computer and video games.

and the alpha males are ego driven. I do not always consciously. It's just the nature of masculinity. That is why sex is so important for men self worth. sexual encounter confirms human masculinity.

Think about it. That means the excitement of discovery, or search for opportunity. Then the challenge of a successful approach.

Then there is a search-and-chase. This is an exciting and fear. The excitement of the idea of ​​success and fear of the possibility of failure and rejection


then the thrill of engagement, activity and satisfaction with sexual union.

And finally, the ecstasy of victory, orgasm and ejaculation.

You May be thinking of his orgasm. But you would only partially correct. The ultimate male ego satisfaction comes from being a good provider. What better way to affirm masculinity by providing an orgasm for his female companion.

After that, both physically and mentally exhausted. Is it any wonder that collapses into full bliss? Hunt successfully, capturing over, mission accomplished, the seeds were planted, the wife happy. It would not have been more men than that!

female orgasm is important for women.

Women's nature is to be receptive, nurturing and a little vain. Feeling attractive, getting noticed and be a man in pursuit of confirming her femininity.

Knowing only its presence affects the men around him provides an incentive for her sense of self identity. Even if she is not consciously aware of it, it feels nicer, more women.

She plays "hard to get. " Almost instinctively. She asks if it is worth the performance confirms that.

Then there was surrender. open sharing of her body. fostering a sense of engulfing. excitement of the 'take' when in reality she was taking.

Taking his passion, taking its energy, getting his attention, getting his seed. It'sis taking a symbiosis . They both benefit.

They each have a use other than orgasms. Its perhaps the most.

His orgasm deposits of nutrients and hormones in her body. Nutrients and hormones recent studies suggest that women are important mental and physical health (for women in monogamous relationships ).

, not only by hormones and nutrients he gives her. Orgasm during intercourse and women produces large amounts of oxytocin, "the hormone of love". Oxytocin is believed to be responsible for developing a sense of connection, trust and welfare.

woman in a committed relationship the release of large amounts of oxytocin during orgasm. Oxytocin levels are associated with a feeling of being in a relationship. In other words, orgasm helps women feel more emotionally attached to her man.

, not only women, increases in the "hormone of love". Men also produce oxytocin during sexual activity. Helping him feel connected to it.

female orgasm: win, win experience



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