"How to keep tidy?" "How can we know what the backlog of things to give away?" "How can you give up the beloved stuff? These are just some of the questions I asked in their daily work.
The key is self-control and be assertive with our self!
If it is not in use - to go out
!There should be genuine and valid reason, not an emotional one for keeping things.
This is easier said than done, this is the reason why we should ask ourselves: "What is the alternative?" Or "economic" phrasing "what the opportunity costs? What final state want to be in? Or in other words, in which the decision that we would gain (or loss) will be greater
We should decide whether to continue to 'be buried' under a pile of stuff and suffer every day, all year round, the congestion, chaos and loss of time looking for our stuff or we should be assertive and "free "Our home?
Our home is not a warehouse. It is a residential habitat - our refuge.
or in English to say: "Man is home to his castle. " In order to enjoy it we have to respect him, and that it is not burdened with unnecessary junk.
clothes that do not carry more than two years - a maximum of three, go outside! A popular saying: "It will stop when I lose weight"does not work!
This is not because people do not lose weight, what they do, but afterwords the first thing to do is go on a shopping spree! In the meantime, the clothes pile up, reminiscent of the bad weather and that will depress us.
instead of looking at the house as a whole (to be discouraged and frustrated), some corners can be treated easily. bigger mess to deal with smaller angles. There is no such thing, "nothing to clean up here, everything is perfect"
We should be rational - no need to hold 3 - 4, 50 for each item. Save a bunch of plastic bags is a positive, but you do not need to fill your entire balcony!
The same holds true for rubber bands, electric wire, paper, materials, plastic boxes, jars ....
usual efficient small house will make it easier to reduce the clutter and installation of the pilot.
laundries - is collected and immediately put in a washing machine. No need to overload the basket. Fold laundry right away when you take the rope. This can almost always be done. For example: towels. Simply fill out the load of the machine, fold up easily and go back into the closet.
Shopping - In the supermarket, when packaging products, trying to sort by topic. Dairy products, vegetables, etc. .. When we reached home, it will be easier to unpack. Do not push the products in the fridge and cupboards without a difference just to get rid of the task. Unpacking the product is our chance to re-organize and clean the refrigerator. It will also contribute to the bathing room and savings and costs.
Paper mail - Do not stack piles of sealed envelopes. More than 90% administration will immediately be processed in this way. (Incidentally, most of it will be deleted without any problems ).
Generally speaking, the more immediate tasks to be performed, the easier it will get to stay organized. Things will not require a daunting stack and "special projects ".
We all get all kinds of gifts and donations, our customers or the boss, souvenirs such as luxury pens, key chains might elegantly covered notepad. Somehow we tend to "save" them. Leave them in beautiful wrapping, because "it's a pity that the far". But actually, we never use them. Therefore, the question to ask is "Why? " Put them to use! Pamper yourself and enjoy the goods. Your are intended for use! It is a shame to use them, that's what their intended purpose. Boxes and wrappers may be desirable and should be through out.
Do not be tempted to accept things that other people have real needs. If you do not need them, you'll probably also not. Your home is not a warehouse or store the Salvation Army.
Note that we tend to run all kinds of "projects": Add a decorative accessory for our skirt, the old picture frame, paint crumbling trunk ... news: If you have not done it by now, you'll never make a
!Sentimental Item: Here we have to be rational and keep generalization. Judgement for grandma's silver will differ from the fate of two weeks old newspapers.
First, we should clearly not useful to resolve personal matters, and only then proceed with the objects of sentimental load. It is permissible and even desirable to keep souvenirs. But, once again ... rationally.
know that there are people out there who need our unused stuff, can facilitate our letting go.
a useful conclusion, "a wise man quote":
What is important is not what we have, but what we really are.
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