With the holidays approaching, to remind fans of childhood memories of baking cookies, unwrapping presents and playing in the snow. Now, fast forward, and you have more than five years, but for mom with a "to do" list that has just exploded overnight! You're starting to feel the demands on your time, energy, attention and pocketbook? You see yourself falling into the trap of skipping vacations or cutting back on exercise, gobbling down too many hors d'oeuvres at a cocktail party, spending less time sleeping and more time for packing gifts, mailing holiday cards, travel, and buy that you can 't afford it. During the holidays you get sleep, stressed and broke! Well, maybe not all of these things, but do not enjoy the holidays the way you want.
Do you want this year different? If you want to keep your composure, enjoy your family and guests, stay within your budget vacation, make travel more comfortable in airports, I am grateful, and not overindulge at parties, find time for exercise and relaxation?
thinking this is not possible, right? Well, it's like what they say about Santa Claus. It's there if you believe ... and make some small changes in the way they deal with you and the rest of the past.
You see, it starts with the care you! Practicing good self-care is important during the holiday season as it is throughout the year. Saying "no" for you and your needs when there are more demands on your time than ever, May seem like your only hope of getting everything done. But what is the price of it? Is it worth giving up your health and weight that you worked so hard and losing a budget that you have worked so hard to follow throughout the year? This holiday season I want to challenge you to say "yes" to nurture your body, your relationships, your budget and your spirit. This will have the strength and motivation to go especially when it goes non-stop! And more importantly, you will experience a holiday on the way they were meant to be experienced -. With joy, love and gratitude
Here are some helpful tips for taking care of YOU this holiday season:
1 Take control of your schedule and plan in advance
to know your priorities and stick to them. Eliminate those items that are not urgent. Ask yourself what I'm doing with my time, it is not absolutely necessary or can be dealt with after the holidays have passed? Say "no" to any new appointments that are during the holidays, or say "yes", but with the understanding that you are not available until after the first year. Remember, we strive to enable you to enjoy the holidays -. Do not overbooked and overcommitted
See schedule in advance for the upcoming week. Ask yourself which party or holiday event I do not want to participate? What parties or events can be skipped? Would you participate in activities on holiday less allow me to be truly present and better enjoy yourself, family and friends? In exchange for these events, you need to exercise at different times of day or day of the week to make sure that you your normal exercise routine? Write a "selected" events / parties and exercise into your schedule.
Also, beware of arriving at those cocktails feeling hungry. Take the time to grab a healthy meal before leaving your home or grab a smaller plate when hitting a buffet. If you have a hard time saying "no" to the desert tray, the hostess made a healthy dessert that you can enjoy without guilt, and added pounds.
Plan ahead and determine what might help to support and sabotage your healthy lifestyle habits. Find solutions and put support systems in place in advance to ensure you look and feel sensational and relaxed, while enjoying good company and fun holiday!
2 Honor your notebook and other
If 2009 was a financially challenging year for you, do not add to your burden in 2010. Instead, consider giving gifts from the heart of this year vs. Tiffany's or Nordstrom's. Write a nice love letter to your husband for a nice rest. Be honest and recount what they seem to appreciate. Wrap envelope with a beautiful red bow. Do the same for a best friend, parent or grandparent. Include a nice framed picture of both of you.
Change your family's gift exchange policy. Let each person to buy gifts for one family member. Put the lid on the amount of the gift. Encourage family members to choose a gift that truly respects their uniqueness. Share with that person why you chose that particular gift and how special they are to you. If each family member has five minutes to really share my gratitude and love for the person on the list, your family will have the best vacation ever. (Have tissues handy. It could be a tear fest !)
3 The practice of mindfulness and gratitude
the holidays can be for many of us the way that we focus on the spirit and our relationship to a higher power. But for many of us, everything is "DOS" We have begun to take real joy that this season represents.
However, the removal of all unnecessary obligations, the money that holiday stress can make, putting a few line mindful practices into play, you will be better able to really connect with the "spirit" this season.
Instead of getting frustrated that you have to wait forever in line at the supermarket check-out counter to buy the ingredients and spending Thanksgiving with the fact that the plane was delayed for two hours due to bad weather, spend time taking a few deep breaths from the diaphragm or closing the eyes and the exclusion of everything around you. Do not worry if the supermarket line or moving the aircraft finally shows up, someone behind you or on the loud speaker will let you know.
Also, the holidays are a great opportunity to start a gratitude list or a list of grateful. Here is an exercise you can do each morning, provided that the author Jacqueline Kelm, or "Joy of Living thankful." Every morning, write three things you are thankful for. I take 30 seconds, close your eyes and really be aware and feel gratitude. Then two or three minutes to think about your answer to the following question and write: What is one thing you can do today, no matter how small that would increase my happiness? This exercise will help you bring more love and joy to your holidays. Treat yourself to a gift (that will not cost you anything) and continue to exercise after the holidays have passed. Notification of how much more aware of the things that bring you joy and how much more you appreciate your life!
The growth of the
1.Društvene activities that I'm most interested in participating this holiday season are:
I will say "no" to such activities and obligations during the holidays:
2nd I can save money this holiday season more special than ever:
3.Pažljiv and practice of gratitude will commit to during the holiday season are:
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